As 2015 comes to a close, and a new year begins, most of us are sitting thinking about their goals and what their new year resolutions will be. Do we do this because we think we have to do it? Do we think that with a new year, we have to rush out and join the gym or lose weight during the month of January? Setting goals for a healthy lifestyle that you are able to stick with year round, will make for a better year and healthy life.
There is no one diet that will make everyone lose weight. Nor is there one diet that will make you lose 15 pounds in a week, and be able to keep it off. Individualize your diet and eating patterns to what works for you and what will keep you healthy. Here are a couple of simple reminders that will help in setting small realistic health goals that will last you a lifetime.
If your goal is to lose weight, set small realistic goals that you know are attainable. After accomplishing one goal, move on to the next goal. As long as you are able to have more healthy days than unhealthy days, allow yourself to have an “off day.” Just don’t make it part of your daily routine. If you are craving a cookie, or chocolate cake, go for the small cookie or small piece of cake. If you are out and you want that glass of wine with dinner, have it. Know your limits and know that you can’t have this everyday. Make it a priority to have a lot more “on days” than “off days.”
If your goal is to eat more fruits and vegetables, step outside the box and try that mango or star fruit you never had before, or sautee that broccoli rabe you were afraid to try at a restaurant. Eating more fruits and vegetables doesn’t just mean eating a banana, apple and a green salad every single day. Spice it up!
If you need to consume more protein, add ½ cup beans to your salad or soup. Or try a piece of fish you never had before. Experiment in the kitchen, and who knows.. you might like it!
One goal we all can have is to live a healthy happy life and not let one bad day or a couple of bad days prevent you from doing this!
Happy New Year!!